Friday, October 15, 2010


There sure is an awful lot of traffic on the blog from Kerrville today. Hmmm......


Anonymous said...

Shannon, what is the name of this blog? I am curious to know what it entails! Thanks.

Shannon said...

I'm sorry. I wasn't very clear in my statement. I had a couple people email me to ask about this, too.

I meant to say: There was a lot of traffic on THIS blog (where I can check my visitor stats) from Kerrville people.

Sorry for the confusion. @@ me.

Anonymous said...

I live in Kerrville, as a matter of fact, I attend the same church as Matt's parents and deal with his mother through the high school. I check this blog regularly for updates. I read all documents I can on this case. I refuse to be like other members of our church who refuse to see the truth. Anyone who reads as much about this case as I have and does not realize he is guilty, needs to re-read the documents!

Sadie said...

To Anonymous in Kerrville:

I believe you represent many other good people who feel the same but for one reason or another remain silent. Bless your heart for speaking up here.

You are so right. Anyone who reads the available information about this case, or watches the trial footage or the TV news programs about the case, can clearly see the truth.

I admire you for seeing it and saying so. I hope certain people in Kerrville will read your comment here and feel a twinge. Because in their hearts, they know the truth, too.

Those who support evil while pretending to be righteous will have to answer for it to our Lord, one way or another.


News said...

To the poster from Kerrville - thanks for posting as I sometimes wonder if all of Kerrville was represented by the people we saw testify 'for?' MB at the trial. Makes me happy to know there are good people in Kerrville. I sure hope you are able to be there for Kari's girls and please pray for them as they are the ones MB hurt the most.