Friday, April 2, 2010

Baker's Mother files grievance.....

Baker's Mother Files Grievance Against Former Attorney

Before yesterday's hearing, this story was released via KXXV Channel 25. Matt's mother, Barbara Baker, is not happy with the results of the trial and wants to blame that on one of Matt's attorneys, Guy James Gray. She filed a complaint with the State Bar. Yet it's interesting that this "gross ineffectiveness" on Gray's part wasn't enough to even factor into Matt's failed motion for a new trial.

Not much to say here but I do want to point out one thing. In this article Barbara Baker says ".....she had a gut feeling her son was having an affair with Bulls, whose testimony put her son behind bars." A gut feeling? What about the January 24, 2010 interview she had with Erin Quinn of the Waco Tribune where she flat out told Erin that Matt had told her about the affair with Bulls IN THE SUMMER AFTER HIS WIFE'S DEATH? She didn't just recently come around to this gut feeling. She has known about this for 3.5 years. She and Matt lied about this to everyone for 3.5 years. And this is the MOTIVE for Matt's murdering Kari. It's NOT an insignificant detail.....or a little "ooooopsie" that they BOTH just forgot to mention. As a dear Justice for Kari prayer warrior pointed out in an email to me today, not only did they BOTH lie about this motive for murder to Matt's attorneys all throughout the years, to authorities, to Kari's family, to friends and church family.....they certainly omitted that little factoid over the years as they were aggressively soliciting and accepting funds from their unknowing and loving fellow Kerrville folks. I think it's just shocking. And very, very sad. Borderline "aid and abet," if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

Me thinks Ma Baker shares a lot more secrets with her boy.

SG said...

I have given this woman the benefit of the doubt, even felt sorry for her, for all these years. But, her benefits are up!
She has lied to cover up a whole lot more than the affair. I think she knows exactly what happened. But the point now is...
How can anyone look past the fact that she knew Matt was having an affair and covered it up. Let us not forget it was Mama Baker who went to Gray and secured his services for her son. According to her own words she knew then that Matt was having or had had an affair. She lied to the lawyer she called a "God send." I now have a hard time believing her at all about anything.
I hate what this is doing to Kinsey and Grace. I pray that God will put them where they need to be and give them strength, hope and the ability to discern the truth from the lies.

Not Fooled Anymore said...

He lied. She lied. They took my money with a handshake and a smile. The BBQ was excellent. But what I paid for was not. This Kerrville Christian has learned a lesson. It breaks my heart. And makes me fighting mad. I pray daily for Kensi and Grace.

Sadie said...

Yes, good catch. How can you say you had a "gut feeling," when you have already admitted that your killer son TOLD you about the affair early on? The truth is not in this woman.

In the interview with KXXV, she vowed that she will NEVER believe Matt is guilty. Know why she will never believe he is guilty? Because... (get ready for this rock-solid reason, folks)... (and I quote,) "because I don't believe he is guilty." I'm not making this up, you can watch it on their website. She really did say that.

She also quotes Matt as having protested that he would not have killed Kari... AND... he then added that if he had, he would not have told Vanessa about it....


The "Baker Duet" are two peas in a pod.

This woman should be ashamed for taking good people's money under false pretenses. I am sorry for the experience of the sane Kerrvillian who posted here, and would love to hear from others. I know they must be out there. Surely an entire town cannot be 'Stepfordized' by these malefactors.

Carole said...

Here are a few words that come to mind regarding the fundraiser that occurred in Kerrville on Matt's behalf--fleece, swindle, bleed, cheat, trick, defraud, gyp, hustle, rook, squeeze, soak, exploit, deceive, dupe, rope-in, double-cross, snooker, victimize--all descriptive words for what the Bakers did to the good people of Kerrville who were eager and willing to help one of their own in a time of crisis. It is shameful and I don’t see how Mrs. Baker can hold her head up and face the people who, in good faith, gave her family money for Matt’s defense--after admitting she knew of THE LIE.

Sadie said...

Know what else has always haunted me? The way Matt Baker USED his sweet (tragically brainwashed) daughters, not only by exhibiting them in his "good daddy" charade on 20/20 and 48 Hours, and parading hand-in-hand with them before the media cameras at his pre-trial hearing for the murder case; but even worse, by involving Kensi and Grace in his swindle of the good people of Kerrville. Anyone recall this? It was in that smarmy letter he wrote in 2008, begging for big money ($100,000) for his defense in the civil case.

I will never forget the sickening feeling I got, when I learned that he made Kensi and Grace sign their own childish little signatures at the bottom of that letter: a letter which not only shamelessly solicited monetary donations and denied the TRUE allegations against him (the killer of their mother) but also slandered that precious mother, and portrayed the Dulins -- their own loving grandparents -- as the 'bad guys.'

For shame.