Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WacoTrib Letter to the Editor

From today's WacoTrib.com:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Justice for Kari

I was not raised in Texas, but I knew of its legendary reputation for law and justice: not only a pride in its determination to “get the bad guys” but to seek punishment against them.

With that in mind, I must once again ask the McLennan County DA’s office why it hasn’t moved on the Kari Baker case. It’s been two years since Kari died, nine months since Matt Baker was arrested — and this case has not yet been taken to the grand jury.

Local and national media outlets, including Texas Monthly, “20/20” and “48 Hours” have all presented the abundant evidence against Matt Baker and have asked why the DA continues to do nothing; indeed these journalists seem incredulous that no criminal case has moved forward. Web sites and blogs have been inundated with inquiries from all over the country asking why.

Recently, Channel 25 featured a story on the “Justice for Kari” bumper stickers displayed all over. What this makes me wonder is if McLennan County is a place where justice may not be served unless it’s an easy, slam-dunk case that causes little attention, no messiness, and quickly goes away.

The most damning evidence against Matt Baker is scientific: forensic proof that not only did Kari not kill herself, but also that the timeline and circumstances Matt Baker tried to establish are impossible scenarios. Toxicologist Steven Karch, obtained by “48 Hours” as an objective expert with no stake in the case, said, “Being cold in a hour is non-existent unless you’re killed in the Arctic or an icebox.”

It’s time the DA’s office moved, now, on the Kari Baker case.

Lori Watts


Anonymous said...

"20/20" and "48 Hours" both showed Matt Baker for the liar and murderer he is. I believe there is much more evidence than what either news show knew or aired. The truth will eventually be revealed and MB will go to prison. This isn't revenge; it is justice.

Hey, Shannon, I think it is time to bring back the Johnny Cash song.

Great letter.

Anonymous said...

That was a great letter written by Lori! I strongly believe that Matt will be convicted and pay for this crime! I also believe there is so much more evidence out there that will be used to convict Matt Baker. He knows what he has done, and justice will be served.

Hope you're ready for this fight, Matt! Because I know that Kari's family is going to fight until the end!

Anonymous said...

Will the trial still begin on Oct. 6th, as the Trib reported it was scheduled to begin?

Anonymous said...

Our family hopes we will still be able to go to trial in Oct. However, at this time, we just don't know. MB's attorney of record has stepped down. Gray will need to decide if he can take the case within the next month. We have waited long enough for the truth to be revealed in a court of law. It is time. Matt Baker must stand accountable. My nieces need chances for healthy and whole lives. They are heartbreaking.

Lindsey/Kari's cousin

Anonymous said...

The DA's office in McLennan County is known for going very slowly. But I firmly believe this case will go before the grand jury. I know this sounds a little cryptic but I do know people who know people...lol. I am quite sure that a criminal case is being investigated. What I also have heard is that they (DA) don't multi-task well. As has been reported in the local media, crime in Waco is up quite a bit and the DA's office is overwhelmed with cases. All of this may take awhile longer.

I know it is easy for me to say "patience" when it isn't my family. I can't imagine how horrible it is to know your daughter was killed by her husband (and I also believe he killed her). And worse, to know those little girls are being raised by the man who killed their mother.

I pray for justice for the Dulin family often. I pray that the children will be saved in time to get them the help they need.

I read your blog often. It has been a great resource for this case and Kari's cause!

I am sorry but I can't leave my name. I said more than I should have...lol