Friday, February 15, 2008

Coming soon to a newstand (mailbox, grocery store, bookstore, waiting room) near you...

The March issue of the Texas Monthly magazine will hit the stands next week or so. Looking forward to a good story reported by executive editor Skip Hollandsworth. You can get TM's "A Sneak Peek at Our March Issue" from There's also a little blip about it in a blog by Ken Sury.

Soon there will be more insight and commentary on the website regarding the investigative reporting involved.....and a few other things.

March should be an interesting month. Followed by an interesting April.


Anonymous said...

Evan Smith --- Kari was neither diagnosed with depression nor treated for it. Matt and his family seem to be the ones that keep trying to convince everyone of that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god,he is frightening.

Anonymous said...

One must wonder what depression really is, and how is it manifested. The above poster sounds like s/he would have known Kari and had privy to ALL of her medical records throughout her life. If that is true, then s/he would only have to show that Kari was never depressed, or showing signs of depression, or having any type of anxiety feelings, then this entire story could be proven wrong.

Anonymous said...

The poster above has made a very simplistic statement. Who on earth has never been depressed?? And who on earth would not be heartbroken over the loss of a child--or sad over the anniversary of that dark day? What profound statement was the poster TRYING to make? Being depressed/sad/mournful over the memory of a little baby does not necessarily constitute a desire to committ suicide. She had two beautiful reasons to continue to embrace life...her precious daughters, who by all accounts meant the world to her.

Anonymous said...

Show me someone that has never been depressed and/or shown signs of it and/or had any type of anxiety feeling and I'll show you an inanimate object.

I'd venture to say that everyone at some point in time has these feelings. It's human nature. This doesn't mean one is suicidal.

Anonymous said...

To the third poster---let's get this case to trial so that MB's entire story can be proven wrong! It is time to put this entire case in the hands of a jury. Enough is enough. The safety of Kari's daughters is at stake....justice is at stake.

Anonymous said...

Some people have no better way to express their feelings other than putting other people down. I'm referring to one of the comments left on the TM blog site. I can take one guess as to who that comment came from! I think this person should take a long look at their own life and look where they are headed and not worry about what someone looks like. How low and evil can one person be? I know...a "murderer."

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Three guesses as to who was so hate-filled as to stoop to that level. First two don't count.

Anonymous said...

When does the Texas Monthly magazine arrive in the store?

Anonymous said...

I'm not exactly sure but I'd think by the end of this week. When I see it on the stands, I'll post something.


Glenn said...

I just found this blog by reading the TM article. it is on the stands here in the DFW area.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dixonge. I saw it out today as well. Man, that's one looong article. Facinating.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe Matt will be able to hide behind his bible in a court of law. The evidence appears to be damning. And unlike the Mark Jensen case, I believe Matt will take the stand in his own defense. It appears that he has the ability to fool people with his demeanor and religious belief. Just My Opinion