Tuesday, October 2, 2007

New bond set...

Welcome back to McLennan County. $200,000 bond becomes $400,000 bond. We're a bit more pissed than Kerr County was. It's not NEAR enough. But it's more than it was.

KXXV News Reports:

WACO - The former preacher accused of murdering his wife and making it look like a suicide has been extradicted to the Mclennan County Jail. His Bond has been set at $400,000.
Matthew Baker was transferred from the Kerr County Jail. Baker is accused of giving his wife Kari a combination of sleeping pills and alcohol before suffocating her with a pillow at their Hewitt home.
Just this August, a closed door inquest hearing was held. Officials changed her death from suicide to undetermined.
Three days later, Matt Baker was arrested. Baker is charged with one count of murder.


Anonymous said...

McLennan County got the message: Faced with imminent arrest, THE CREEP GRABBED THE LITTLE GIRLS AND MADE A RUN FOR IT!! He was on the loose for several hours, and no one (?) knew where he was. Why has this point not been front and center in every report??? He RAN!! Given the opportunity, he will run again. Thank GOD his bond was raised. It should have been tripled!

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I expected more news coverage on this. Heck, I thought by the time this was over that national news would have been involved. But I suppose that would be a double-edged sword. More people would know that justice is being served. But then more people that like to hang the sins of one on Christianity as a whole would have a field day as well. Oh, well....it's in God's hands now. I am patient.


Anonymous said...

His hometown newspaper ran it on the front page, headlines and just above the fold, today. I wonder how his supporters are feeling about that "nice young man" now?

Anonymous said...

I pulled up the the Kerrville paper online. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear as it does on paper. Just the text. I wish it had more of the facts or a URL address where people reading that paper could go to read all the details in the arrest warrant. Knowing even a handful of the facts out there makes a big difference in people understanding the evidence against him. But like you, I'm glad they ran it and ran it front page. I wonder where his parents sit on all this. They are in Kerrville, right?


Anonymous said...

We read it online, and there is a way to get the "picture" of the page, just as it was printed. Fool around the website and you will see how to do it. And yes, his parents are Kerrville residents. He graduated from Tivy High School in Kerrville.