Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tardy Justice Indeed!

Letter to the editor in today's

DA failing in duties
This letter is in response to the article in the Trib on Dec. 13 regarding Matt Baker’s motion to have the wrongful death suit against him dismissed. Hogwash!

And on the criminal end, why has our esteemed district attorney, John Segrest, failed to move forward on the Kari Baker case? Has he bothered to examine the facts? Is the “good ol’ boy” club at work?

Since Kari’s death in April 2006, her family and their top-notch, highly reputable attorney and investigators have amassed reams of evidence. It points directly to Matt Baker. Clearly the police believe this. They, too, gathered enough evidence to have him arrested more than a year ago. Still I question why a family would have to resort to a wrongful death case in McLennan County. The DA’s office has had more than enough time to investigate this crime and bring it to a grand jury. It is time to stop making excuses.

Mr. Segrest, you were elected to seek justice in McLennan County by holding criminals accountable. Get to it.

Helen Nash Weathers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tell it like it is Ms. Weathers. Get that office moving faster. Two little girls need rescuing