Saturday, October 6, 2007

Outstanding? Wonderful person?

I suppose we should add "con artist" and "actor" to Matt's repetoire. It's truly amazing how someone can be a cold-blooded sociopathic killer one minute, and the next have some people so snowed that they are "heartbroken" at your arrest. Someone hand this man a trophy.

Murder Suspect's Arrest Was Thwarted at School


Anonymous said...

Finally, FINALLY--a little publicity about the coward taking off rather than facing authorities. Shows his mama's colors, too.

Anonymous said...

AND he grabbed his daughters and had them with him!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They weren't "heartbroken" that he was arrested like they wanted him to run away. They were heartbroken at the situation.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I was just going off this part of the newspaper article:

She called his arrest "heartbreaking for all of us," saying, "He's a wonderful person."

Sounded like she was heartbroken that this wonderful person was arrested. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Please let me know. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Knowing the mama that the above person refers to makes me wonder how well the writer knows her. Apparently not very well. A runner she has never been. But she is a solid, strong Christian that has been a Kerrville resident for as long as I have lived here which is over 20 years. Member of same church and working for same school district. Is that a runner??

Anonymous said...

....had the girls with him..... what does that mean, and where did it come from? When he was arrested? That would not be true as he walked himself into the sheriff's office like the man he has always been. Facing issues as they appear. So, I don't understand where he had the girls with him.

Anonymous said...

Shannon I have no dought you will not post my comment but here goes.
You say over and over that you are not here to bash or start anything and that this site is in honor and memory of Kari.
What exatly then is your opening statement on this paticular blog other than bashing? I have to admit this is the first time I have seen you bash him this way! Why is it that you decided to do this after all the defending of yourself of the opposite? I have to wonder where the memory of Kari is in that!

Anonymous said...

Please. Read this blog from the beginning forward....not the reverse.
You will see how this blog was meant to be.
You will see how it took on a life of its own.
You will see how I decided to tone it down.
You will see that I don't say everything that I want to say.
I am trying.
I will leave the rest to the Courts and to Our God Almighty.

But read this blog in order before you jump my case, please. I'm not perfect. But I am growing...and honing my "bite my tongue" skills.
